Fast acting potency products

The content in the diet of various foods that contain the necessary vitamin complexes and minerals to increase potency in men. One of the main ones is A and E, as well as B vitamins. You need to eat a lot of foods that properly affect sexual activity and attraction.

useful products for potency

Among the wide range of products, fish products and shrimps, squids, etc. have a great effect. Oysters and flounder will be incredibly useful. Of the vegetable foods, it might be worth highlighting turnips. It has long been known that rennet has a positive effect on the body, expressed in its sexual excitability and increased libido.

What foods increase male potency?

Explore the list of useful products in more detail.

Products to increase potency in the male half of the population:

camel stomach

This product is at the forefront of male potency enhancement. Its action can be compared to the result of the effect of tablets, while at the same time it has a huge plus in that it is completely harmless to the human body. A big drawback is just finding this raw material for therapy.

camel and his stomach for potency

Sichuzhina for many years has been a huge help in the fight against weak sexual excitability. An important point is the special method of cooking this product. It is recommended to eat the finished dish before sexual intercourse, no later than thirty minutes.

No one expects such quick action the first time. But this product immediately affects erection and libido, causing a huge desire for sex.


It has long been well-known throughout the world as a sexual desire stimulant. Shellfish contain a lot of zinc, which helps stimulate the process of creating the male hormone in the body. Oysters are also rich in unique amino acids that have a beneficial effect on sperm count, leading to an overall increase in the quantity and quality of semen.

oysters for potency

The strongest concentration of essential elements is found in oysters in the spring. This is due to the beginning of the mating season in molluscs.

There is a version that the greatest effect of the use of this product can be obtained only when eaten raw. This is explained by the fact that due to exposure to high temperatures, a large loss of important components of the product occurs. In this case, different aromas come to the rescue, for example, lemon juice.

oysters to increase potency

Immediately attention should be paid to the fact that excessive consumption of oysters leads to an incredible deterioration not only in potency, but also in general health. Seafood itself has high levels of mercury.

There is also a chance of contracting an infection, as molluscs are the main carriers of a wide variety of bacteria.

An alternative is to take a bath full of boiled oysters. A one-hour session can lead to a clear improvement in potency. After completing a five-day course, the impotent will be able to enjoy life again.


This fish has incredibly tasty and healthy properties. It is so rich in vitamins and zinc that it simply has no equal competitors on this indicator. It also features a high protein content and special amino acids that are beneficial for potency.

flounder for potency

In order for the fish dish not to lose its magical properties, the dish must be steamed. After the fish is ready, it is necessary to immediately stop the thermal effect.

According to dietary parameters, flounder corresponds to the term "universal food product".

The only person who is not recommended to enjoy this delicacy is people with personal intolerance.

Also, do not eat dried and salted halibut for kernels and those who complain about the organs of the circulatory and digestive systems.

boiled mackerel

Omega three and six acids in large quantities can be found precisely in this fish. These fatty acids are involved in the biosynthesis of the male sex hormone and have a positive effect on the intimate life of men and women.

mackerel with onions for potency

If you introduce this dish into your diet, it will immediately lead to an increased erection and excitability, as well as an increase in the volume of seminal fluid produced. Due to the necessary amount of phosphorus contained in the mackerel, the quality parameters of the sperm also increase. Iodine is responsible for inducing a strong sexual desire, and protein is the raw material for the process of forming new "tapods".

As soon as you find this fish, you will discover the wonderful world of healthy sex!


This vegetable rightfully takes its place. Products that improve erection and sexual desire have a rich internal chemical composition. Turnip seeds can stimulate sexual desire and increase potency. The same result can be obtained if you eat steamed turnips with meat.

radish for potency


Red meat is the healthiest. A method of cooking in which the beneficial properties of the product are preserved as much as possible - steamed or stewed. Combine such a dish with an abundant amount of different vegetables and greens.

red meat for potency

It is always worth remembering that excessive consumption of meat leads to negative side effects on the body. This is due to the fact that meat is considered a difficult product to digest. The body spends a lot of energy (including sexual energy) to process such food.


In general, it is good for the body to eat nuts. They are very rich in useful elements that have a beneficial effect on the intimate problems of life. Nuts contain arginine, which starts the process of creating nitric oxide in the body. This chemical compound is necessary for male arousal and healthy erections.

nuts for potency

You will increase the usefulness of consuming this product by mixing it with dried fruits or honey. No less useful are the nut mixes, which also contain raisins, dried apricots and many other fruits. One of the best ways to cook meat or fish is to combine these foods with nuts.

The nut with the best properties is cedar. It has a positive effect on immunity and increases potency. Experts advise to eat it raw.

pine nuts for potency

An amazing product that perfectly copes with the dysfunction of the reproductive system is nutmeg. If you use it every day, you can achieve an excellent therapeutic effect. Of course, you don't need to overdo it with the amount of food eaten.

Everywhere you need to know the measure, so a small addition of crushed nutmeg to the dish will be a great solution.

Overdosing on this product can have many negative consequences, including death.


This category of products has long been known as a wonderful aphrodisiac. These potency products have a positive effect and stimulate sperm production, which leads to a more normal restoration of sperm volume.

seafood for potency

When cooking, it is best to resort to a method that does not kill all the beneficial substances. Some seafood may be fine to eat raw, but minimal heat treatment should still be done.


There are so many vegetables in our world that there are some that are good helpers in the fight against sexual dysfunction. The only vegetable that deserves special attention is celery. It has a much stronger effect on the strength of sexual desire.

vegetables for potency


This product, extracted from cocoa, causes a feeling of romance in man, increases the libido. It is best to eat dark varieties of chocolate, as they contain special amino acids that help to optimize the work of the sexual organs. It is not recommended to eat chocolate below sixty-five percent and you should not abuse its amount.

How to increase potency through exercise

The first way is physical activity to increase and strengthen sexual activity in men. Exercises allow you to naturally and safely increase male erections, improve health and strengthen the male body.

A step-by-step set of daily exercises:

  1. Circular movements of the pelvis are performed in a standing position, feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Pelvic rotations are performed in both directions alternately for ten minutes. pull them closer to your belly.
  2. Squats with bent knees. Feet are shoulder-width apart, knees are slightly bent, hands are on the belt. Sit down, tense and relax the muscles of the buttocks as much as possible. Return to the starting position and repeat the squats.
  3. Lie on your back, raise the pelvis, resting on the shoulder blades and hands that lie on the floor, repeat 10 times.
  4. Exercise "bicycle", in a position on the back, raise the legs, making movements with them that resemble the rotation of the pedals.

Gymnastics for potency

The second way is to improve potency in men of any age by training the PC muscle at home. It is found in men from the pubic bone to the coccyx and supports the anus and internal organs, preventing them from prolapse. Technique: sitting in a chair with a straight back and relaxed muscles, slightly tilt your head back and close your eyes. Then slowly tighten the muscle and hold the tension for 3-5 seconds, then relax. Do at least 10 sets three times a day, gradually increasing the load. Gymnastics can be done lying on your back with your legs slightly apart or standing up.

How to eat to increase potency

The third way to increase potency and libido is proper nutrition.

Herbal products:

  • Peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds - enhance potency.
  • Parsley, coriander, spinach, celery - increase testosterone production, increase potency.
  • Citrus fruits - increase potency and libido, activate testosterone production.
  • Pomegranate is a strong male stimulant that improves erection.
  • Figs - beneficial effect on the duration of erection, restores strength, increases potency.
  • Turnip - increases potency, arouses sexual desire.
  • Onion and garlic - increase potency and sexual activity in men. Onions improve spermatogenesis and garlic is a powerful male aphrodisiac.

Drinks to increase erection

The fourth way to increase erection in men is drinks. Green tea helps restore erection, ginseng root or ginger is added to it. Freshly squeezed celery and carrot juices mixed in equal proportions are an effective cocktail for increasing male sexual activity. Erectile function is improved by a cocktail of quail eggs with tomato puree and milk: add 20 g of tomato puree and 2 quail eggs, salt, pepper and spices to taste in 500 ml of hot milk. Beat the ingredients in a blender, the cocktail is ready.

Aphrodisiacs for increasing male potency are also contained in alcoholic beverages. Absinthe is considered a stimulant and mulled wine a fast-acting one. Tincture of anise and eggnog helps to increase potency in men. The main thing is not to overdo it and not abuse it.

What else can you do to improve your potency?

The fifth way to restore potency in men is a contrast shower. They are showered with alternating hot and cold water. The procedure has a restorative effect on the male body, improves blood supply to the pelvic organs, relieves spasms and improves mood.

The sixth way to improve potency is therapeutic baths. To increase potency in men, it is useful to take a bath with a bay leaf. To prepare a bath, chamomile flowers (100 g) are pre-steamed with three liters of boiling water in an enamel pot and infused for 20 minutes. Then boil bay leaves (5-6 pcs. ) in water for 5 minutes, pour a bath and add infusion and decoction of chamomile to warm water. A man should bathe every night for 30 minutes.

The seventh way to increase potency is the use of ice, which helps to increase potency in men. The ice is wrapped in the fold of several layers of gauze and used as a cold compress applied for 2-3 seconds on parts of the man's body. They start from the top of the head, then descend to the neck, chest, abdomen, scrotum.

The eighth way - folk remedies to increase potency. Consider proven recipes:

  • Plant pollen to increase potency in men is an effective product in the fight against male impotence. Increases sexual activity, restores the male reproductive system, improves sperm quality. Single dose - half a teaspoon, consumed twice a day. The course of treatment with pollen is 2 weeks.
  • Asparagus infusion to increase efficacy: pour 10 fruits of the plant with boiling water (400 ml), close the vessel and let it infuse for 6-8 hours. The tincture is used 3 times a day for 50 ml. The duration of the course is 2 weeks. Dried, previously crushed roots of the plant are used for infusion. Fruits and roots are used in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • Nuts and honey are taken in equal proportions. Chop the nuts, add honey to them, mix well. The medicine is taken 20 minutes after a meal, washed down with milk. Take 2 teaspoons twice a day. The duration of the course is 1 month.
  • To increase potency, onions are consumed raw or an infusion of 2-3 onions is prepared. They are crushed, poured with warm water (400 ml), left to infuse for 3-4 hours. The recommended single dose is 100 ml. Frequency of use - 3-4 times a day. Onions have a positive effect on the male reproductive system, improve spermatogenesis and increase potency in men.
  • A healing lung to increase potency in men. Take 10 g of dried herbs and pour a glass of boiling water over them, leave to infuse for 1 hour, then filter and use to treat impotence in men. Take one tablespoon three times a day. The lung is used as a salad dressing.

Modern Medicines for Men

The ninth way to increase potency is stimulant drugs. Medicines that increase potency in men are available in the following forms:

  • injection solutions.
  • Tablets.
  • Means for external use (ointment, balm, spray, gel).

How to increase potency in men with folk remedies?

A decrease in sexual power after 40 years is observed in many modern men. But few of them know that folk remedies for increasing potency can bring back the previous joy of sexual life and prolong it until old age.

woman and man who increase potency with products

Why is the potency reduced?

Today, it is increasingly common to observe weakening of potency in quite young people. This may be due to a health disorder, but in some cases the decrease in sexual desire is affected by strong physical and emotional stress, frequent stress, lack of sleep and bad habits. Every man fears waking up one morning powerless. To prevent this, you can successfully use folk recipes to increase potency. However, before that, it is better for a man to contact an andrologist or urologist, since impotence can be a symptom of inflammatory processes in the body.

Products useful for men's health

Today, everyone has heard of aphrodisiacs - substances that increase sexual desire. Many of these substances are found in foods that can be considered as a means of increasing male potency. To be on top in bed, a man can:

  1. Eat fresh garlic every day (2-3 cloves). Such an addition to the usual diet not only increases potency, but also serves as a good prevention of many diseases in men, including genital infections.
  2. honey for potency
  3. Consume pumpkin seeds as a dietary supplement. They can be raw or part of a meal. The chemical compounds in pumpkin seeds not only contribute to normal erection, but also improve sperm quality.
  4. Traditional medicine considers honey to be a very effective aphrodisiac. Its beneficial properties combine well with red wine and aloe juice. To prepare the product, all 3 ingredients must be mixed by taking 3 equal parts of wine, 2 parts of honey and 1 aloe juice. A handful of parsley seeds can be used as an additional ingredient. The resulting composition insists for 2 weeks.
  5. Another option for using honey as an aphrodisiac is to use it with carrot juice and grated ginger in an amount of 60 g daily. Another honey-based recipe that affects potency in men: mix 0. 5 kg of walnuts with 0. 3 kg of honey and 0. 1 l of aloe juice. This remedy should be taken 1 tablespoon before each meal.
  6. Prepare a red wine and dried fruit syrup. For it you will need 2 liters of red wine, raisins, dried apricots, prunes (100 g of each dried fruit), a little sugar (1-2 tablespoons), spices to taste (cardamom, cloves, cinnamon). Pour all the ingredients with red wine and let it simmer for 1 hour on low heat. It is useful to take such a decoction immediately before sexual intercourse or every day before dinner.
potency products

In addition to the above products, the use of:

  • protein-rich food: dairy products, fish, various meats;
  • seafood and of vegetable origin (for example, seaweed - seaweed);
  • fresh fruits and vegetables, as they are sources of many vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of sex hormones;
  • spices in moderation, it is especially useful to add them to coffee or tea;
  • eggs cooked in any form;
  • various nuts - a source of protein and healthy fats.

But even a complete and rich diet will not lead to the desired result if the main aspects of a healthy lifestyle are neglected. Exclusion of bad habits, moderate exercise, eating only high-quality and natural products - it is precisely on these three pillars that good male health and sexual activity is based.

Strong herbal teas

Decoctions of some medicinal herbs have the effect of increasing potency. The main thing is to know how to prepare them correctly.

Ginseng root has a beneficial effect to strengthen potency in men. No wonder that in the East it is called the "root of love". It has rightly taken a place of honor in both folk and official medicine, where it is included in pharmaceutical preparations to improve erection. To prepare a healthy decoction at home, pour 100 g of ginseng root into 500 ml of water and insist in a dark place for 2 days. After that, the infusion is boiled for 4 hours on low heat, adding 1 tablespoon of honey and the same amount of cinnamon. This medicine should be consumed 100 g each time after a meal.

herbal tea for potency

Thyme was known to our ancestors for its beneficial properties. A decoction based on it is prepared faster than from ginseng. The green part of the thyme in an amount of 100 g is crushed and poured with 200 ml of boiling water. The mixture should be infused until it reaches room temperature. To increase potency, there is a so-called French recipe based on thyme. To prepare it, you will need 1 teaspoon of thyme and mint herbs, a pinch of rosemary. The components of the plant are poured with boiling water and infused until completely cooled. This tool should be used by a man every day to get the desired effect.

In the form of a decoction or simply raw, you can take yarrow root. The raw root can simply be chewed, but not more than three times a day. Another version of a folk remedy for potency is an infusion of Dubrovnik herb. It is prepared like this: 5 tbsp. 1 liter of boiling water is poured into the green part of the plant and infused for 2 days.

Nettle is a good helper to restore erectile function. Based on it, you can prepare a decoction or make a medicinal herbal mixture with it. In the first case, 1 tablespoon of nettle is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes, after which the contents are filtered through a cheesecloth / fine strainer. This drink should be drunk some time before a meal. The second way to use nettle is to include it in a special herbal collection. Mint, St. John's wort, clover and nettle are taken in equal proportions and steeped in boiling water for about an hour. This infusion should be taken several times a day.

nettle for potency

Folk remedies for a rapid increase in potency in the form of decoctions and tinctures are taken in courses of 10-30 days. You should always remember the possible development of an allergic reaction to substances of plant origin, so phytotherapy should be approached with all responsibility.

Medicinal herbal baths

Often the cause of poor erection is emotional overstrain, stress. One just needs to relax once in a while. You can combine work with pleasure by taking warm baths with various herbal decoctions.

medicinal bath for potency

The best results are given by baths with bay leaf or medicinal chamomile. Nothing complicated is needed for their preparation, only a dried vegetable component and water. Immediately before taking a bath, you should prepare an infusion: pour 50 g of bay leaves or chamomile flowers into 3 liters of boiled water and leave for 20 minutes. The solution is then added to the bath. Such a water procedure can be carried out daily for 0. 5 hours at a time.

Another option for increasing potency is a bath based on conifer decoction. Both pine branches and cones are suitable for its preparation, which are equally rich in useful resins and tannins. To prepare a decoction, plant raw materials are poured with water and boiled for about half an hour on low heat. Then tightly closed broth is infused for 12 hours, after which you can add it to the bath.

In folk medicine, the method of contrast baths is known to restore male strength. Their peculiarity is that a person does not completely immerse himself in the water, but only sits in it. Therefore, a pair of sinks that one can sit in are very suitable for this method. In one basin there should be lukewarm water, in the other - hot (not boiling water, but such as can be tolerated). First you need to sit in hot water for a quarter of an hour, then in cold water for the same time. This procedure should be carried out in two-week courses once every 3 months.

It is difficult to unequivocally choose the best means to increase potency: each organism is individual and may react to different substances in a different way. But folk methods of treating male impotence, proven for centuries, allow you to choose from the mass of options those that will help in each individual case. The main thing is not to forget about the scheduled visits of qualified specialists.